
Fun Goals

I have been making an effort to do more things that are an experience rather than purchasing material objects this year. I call these experiences, fun goals... well at least for the sake of this blog post. One of my fun goals this year is to attend more concerts! Quite honestly, I think I've already… Continue reading Fun Goals

Health and Lifestyle, Uncategorized, work


I recently went on a short vacation (6 days is definitely not enough) and while it was wonderful, it didn't give me the "reboot" in life that I usually get when I return from paradise. Usually going on a vacation gives me a refreshed outlook on my life. I feel recharged and have the drive… Continue reading Vacay

empathy, Health and Lifestyle


Empathy.... Definition: The ability to understand the feelings of others. Was this a trait some people weren't born with? Is this something that is learned and not being taught? I remember in Kindergarten we had a class on this very subject. I don't remember a whole lot from Kindergarten but this lesson really stuck with… Continue reading Empathy…

Health and Lifestyle, work

Detox Monday

Good Monday to you all! It's that time to detox from all the sin that happened this past weekend, and by sin I'm talking about all the good food and drink I consumed! I don't know about you, but I could probably eat Mexican food everyday, for every meal... I didn't just have Mexican food… Continue reading Detox Monday